Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Photo Hunt - Theme 'Old Fashioned'

"Have been out of the blogging world" is a refrain that I keep using. As much as I enjoy blogging, there are times that I just don't feel up to it. Recently it has been a combination of work, multiple preoccupations at home, and some photographic pursuits that have been keeping me busy. I have been reading a lot on post-processing of images via Photoshop and that is something about which I will be posting shortly. I also have been experimenting a bit and you can check out these results of some abstract shots that I took recently.

Anyway, back to this week's theme of 'Old Fashioned'. The one thing that I keep telling my friends & colleagues from abroad who want to know about India is "Never Generalize". India to me is a country of contrasts. Culture, language, dress, food, ideas, beliefs, religion, economic well-being - you name it. Also at the heart of this study of contrasts is the conflict of the old and the new. An example of this is the shot below - this is a National Highway, where you will get to see trucks and the latest cars blazing the trail. What you also have is this - an elephant on the road! So while the well-off zip by in their swanky cars, for some people life goes on as it did perhaps hundred years ago.

If you are not from India, remember not to judge 'Incredible India' by one story or one shot. The understanding of the sheer diversity of the country is at the heart of visiting and enjoying it.


Anonymous said...

great photo and comment...interesting...indeed.

Katney said...

I visited India 8 years ago this summer. But what can you say--I visited only a small bit of India. Each year I do a presentation to our 8th graders when they are studying South Asia. I bring artifacts and photos and saris and tell of my adventure.

But what do I know of India? one tiny rural corner of it where I found amazing food, both beautiful sights and poor people, friendly people who were as curious about my life as I was about theirs. If people ask me about India, I tell them about the bit that I saw, but remind them that it is like asking someone who has only seen New York what America is like.

My old fashioned post features some pictures from India and from Russia. I will look forward to seeing your "narrow" picture tomorrow.

Ananda Niyogi said...

@yosoyjules: thanks so much!

@katney: - thanks so much for letting me know your views on this. i have left a few thoughts on your post on the 'old fashioned' theme...

indicaspecies said...

A fitting shot for the theme.

This post depicts one aspect of the contrast that India is. :)
