Friday, November 02, 2007

The Book Cover Tag

More often than not, I am at a quandary over what topic to choose for a blog post. Fortunately this time around, my friend Pijush has come to my rescue. I have been tagged by him with the Book Cover Tag.

Pijush's tag had one simple rule. All that I had to do is to go to the Advanced Book Search at, type my first name into the "Title" field, and post the most interesting/amusing cover that showed up.

So I went ahead and performed the search with my first name ("Ananda") and the search turned up 156 results. Most search results were rather uninteresting and did not even have a picture.

Here's the one that caught my fancy the most -

My name translated to English means happiness or joy. So perhaps this was on expected lines. But Infinite Happiness? Gosh - that's promising a lot! Perhaps that's why the book is "currently unavailable' now. I imagine great hordes of Nirvana-seekers would have snapped up this elixir of infinite happiness at a bargain :-)


Pijush said...

Waowww.. 156 results, but most of them are bit religious.. like AnandaYoga AnandaMarga :-(
Thanks for picking the tag, this book is interesting as the name is self explanatory. Have a nice weekend.

indicaspecies said...

Infinite happiness from a book?? I wonder if those in possession of the book are enjoying everlasting happiness.

Which makes me wonder further, can happiness be obtained or is it something to be realized from within?

david santos said...

Send an email to the Brazil embassj your country and repor the injustice that the brazilian courts are making with this girl

The resignation is to stop the evolution. (David Santos in times without end)

Thank you

Ananda Niyogi said...

@ Pijush - yes most of them were religious. Happiness, bliss, yoga - that sort of things :-)

@ Celine - rather difficult question to answer, I must say....If happiness can be obtained by listening to good music, or if bliss is curling up on the couch with a great book - yes, why not? Happiness can be 'bought' in that way :-)

indicaspecies said...

Yes, a book or a music CD of one's choice could be "bought" but there's no guarantee that it will make the buyer happy. At the same time, a person could hear "free" 'music' in nature and yet be very happy.

My point is, ultimately the state of happiness is something that one has to experience from within. One can have a tendency to be happy by feeling so with their very mental attitude. In my opinion, the elusive happiness is something that one can tend to acquire by making a choice to be happy rather than allowing life's challenges to make one feel otherwise.

Just my thoughts shared. I'm no philosopher.

Ananda Niyogi said...

@ Celine - I am not a philosopher either, but I think I would defnitely agree with what you have said in your second paragraph. Happiness, more than anything else, is a state of the mind.
